We have recently completed another edition of “Velvet CARE Sport Challenge” – this year’s sport competition for our employees. This year, as many as 82 persons took part in the event (i.e. approx. 10% of our team!) and the competition was organised in three categories: running, cycling and walking. The total distance covered is almost 45,000 km – more than the Earth’s diameter!
The kilometres covered were reported and precisely measured by a mobile application, while the employees’ commitment and intense emotions lasted till the very last moment.
We would like to congratulate all the winners and all the participants!
- In the running category, Mateusz Dudkiewicz (Processing Department) was the winner: he ran 1,750.28 km (such distance equals to, more or less, the distance from the Klucze plant to Italy!).
- In cycling, the first place was taken by Rafał Jesień (Finance Department) with a result equivalent to the distance between Klucze and Mongolia (unbelievable result of 7,506.85 km!).
- The longest walking distance (850 km!) was covered by Grzegorz Kłeczek (Legal Office).This is a distance equal to a route from the Klucze plant to Lithuania.
This year’s “Velvet CARE Sport Challenge” was exceptional not only on account of the number of participants or the accomplished results. We decided for the first time that every kilometre covered with muscle strength will be adequately converted to financial support of charity initiatives supported by our Winners. In compliance with their decision, we supported: Children’s Foundation Zdążyć z pomocą, Centrum Wsparcia i Terapii Osób Niepełnosprawnych i Ich Rodzin in Klucze and we assigned additional funds for Malwina, a sister of one of our employees (whom we wish a lot of heath and a speedy recovery).
In Velvet CARE, we combine work in paper industry, sport emotions and helping others: We CARE!