Management Board

Artur Pielak

Artur Pielak

President of the Management Board / CEO

I took over the position of President of the Management Board of Velvet CARE in 2013 when the company was founded under a new name. In reality, however, I became involved with the paper plant in Klucze at the end of the 1990s when the company belonged to International Paper Klucze and again 11 years later when I came back in 2012 at the time of Kimberly Clark. All in all, I’ve been in the business a quarter of a century.

From the very beginning, my objective has been the strategic development and prosperity of the enterprise and the creation of sustainable jobs that the employees could be proud of and which they could enjoy and be satisfied with. For this reason, I find it extremely gratifying to see our amazing achievements with each of our employees making their own contribution to the company’s enormous progress over the years! Although some may joke about it, I actually feel that I am exceptionally lucky to do what I really enjoy, and I can openly say that this job is also an important hobby of mine.

In business and in life, I stick to the following two mottos:
“It can always be better”,
“Every problem is an opportunity in disguise”.

Outside of work, I appreciate the time spent with my family and enjoy sports activities, such as skiing and tennis. I love travelling and exploring the world, I have visited 50 countries to date, and I still plan to see some more.

Rafał Curyło

Rafał Curyło

Vice President of the Management Board / CFO

At Velvet CARE, I feel right at home – I have worked for the company since 2000, which was the first year of my professional career. Even after so many years, the company still has plenty to offer me – this is where I develop my skills every day, broaden my horizons and successfully face challenges. The scope of my responsibilities comprises not only finances but also developing strategies, planning new investments, logistics, and purchasing. For this reason and thanks to all the experience I have gained at Velvet CARE, I am able to meet my own expectations and those of my colleagues. By virtue of a strong and close-knit team, after work I can leave my professional responsibilities behind and focus on my loved ones and my passions – running, gardening and literature.

Marcin Grabowski

Marcin Grabowski

Vice President of the Management Board / Commercial Director

I’ve been with the company since the… nineties! I started as regional sales manager in 1999, and already then I knew that I would stay “for longer” – I continuously feel that I’m building something special, I appreciate the excellent work organisation and our amazing team. Today, I’m responsible for the commercial side of Velvet CARE.

As I have been on every rung of the company’s ladder, I know it inside out, and this gives me the confidence I need in my work. In my free time, I enjoy travelling and pursue an active lifestyle with the help of my bicycle. My life’s motto is: “A bad decision is better than no decision”.

Wanda Ciesielczuk

Wanda Ciesielczuk

Vice President of the Management Board / Production and Technical Director

I have been associated with the paper plant in Klucze almost from the very beginning of my professional career – since 2001. Having graduated in process engineering with a specialisation in papermaking, I am lucky to be able to pursue my acquired profession. On a daily basis, I supervise production and technology in the plant, and I am also responsible for quality control and WHS. After almost 20 years, caring for the wellbeing of the employees is for me not so much an obligation arising from the employment contract, but the result of the personal bond that connects me with them and this unique place. My source of greatest enjoyment at work is the moment of a new machine start – up and the implementation of new processes. I spend time away from work surrounded by nature, in the company of my beloved animals.

Aleksandra Jankowska

Aleksandra Jankowska

Member of the Management Board / Chief People Officer

I started my career more than 25 years ago in a consulting firm, before moving on to the financial, household appliances, biotechnology and construction industries. Today I am fulfilled in FMCG – that is, Velvet CARE. The variety of experiences, locations and company profiles has allowed me to understand different aspects of business operations, learn about organizational cultures and business models. I have been at Velvet CARE for almost five years, and I know that it is “my” company. The values it represents are strongly present in my life.  I have the extraordinary privilege of doing what I enjoy. My greatest passion is people – they constantly amaze me with their richness, individuality and unpredictability. I believe that it is people who “make change meaningful” and that “people-oriented” is a competence that really works perfectly well in tandem with result-orientedness. A committed team, respect for the other person, recognizing the exceptionality and uniqueness of everyone and properly managing their potential are key to achieving the company’s business goals and success.

I love travelling according to my own not fully prepared plan; kayaking with friends, mountains and trekking. Exploring new places. I read a lot – both “professional” and popular literature; and lately, especially when travelling, I find a lot of interesting and inspiring topics in podcasts.

Andrzej Babiuch

Andrzej Babiuch

Logistics Director

I’ve worked in the Paper Mill in Klucze from the first day of my professional career. Currently, I am responsible for logistics, customer service and transport of our products. Working in such a large production facility on a daily basis teaches us all teamwork skills, which I value greatly while remembering that I am personally responsible for each of my decisions.

I like to spend my free time on a bicycle or in an armchair, losing myself in some exciting works of fiction.

Gabriela Broda

Gabriela Broda

CE Business Development Director

I have been working for the company since 2010. My everyday work focuses on Shoppers – people who buy hygiene products on a daily basis. The responsibilities of our team include developing strategies for product categories, understanding buyer behaviour, preparing in-store communication and promotional actions that help us win the hearts of potential customers. I’m also responsible for the commercial aspects of strategic projects, e.g. integration of acquired companies. What I value most at Velvet Care are new challenges, the opportunity to develop and participate in various projects and the possibility of having direct impact on business.

I maintain a work-life balance by pursuing my 3 passions: road trips, sport and cooking.

Maciej Gil

Maciej Gil

Deputy Financial Director

I have been working for Velvet since 2022 as deputy financial director.

My prior professional experience encompasses 7 years of work in BIG4 consulting company and 7 years of work in production companies, where I managed controlling and finance departments, expanding the scope of my accountabilities and building competence necessary for comprehensive financial management.

I pursue my professional ambitions in Velvet by working with the accounting, finance and controlling teams; we take part in implementation of the Company’s development plans and contribute to reinforcing its position at the market. Participation in this process is greatly satisfactory.

I spend my leisure time actively – jogging and going for long walks.

Kamila Kamińska - Rosłon

Kamila Kamińska - Rosłon

Head of the Business Analysis and Sales Planning Department

My work history began in 2007 when I joined the Velvet team! I soon found out that business analyses are my strong suit, and they are exactly where my responsibility lies today. After almost 17 years, the company still has the capacity to surprise me with its continuous changes resulting from its dynamic growth. Working at Velvet CARE is a significant part of my life, as it gives me the opportunity to grow personally, to participate in projects benefitting to the dynamic development of the company, and to work with an engaging and committed team of people.
My passions are travelling and jogging, which allows me to stay in good shape.

Rafał Klimczak

Rafał Klimczak

Customer Business Unit Manager – Private Label

I joined the Velvet CARE sale team at the end of 2016 to support the development of private labels, which at that time formed a relatively small portion of the company’s turnover. Since the very beginning of my work in Velvet CARE I have been enchanted by the unwavering ambition in the company’s growth, professionalism and quickness of decision making, which allows us to immediately react in the variable macro- and micro-economic environment, as we have all experienced in the recent years.

I have several years of experience in the sale of private labels; earlier, my professional life was related to acquisitions, production planning, transport and broadly understood logistics. Thanks to the knowledge gathered in multiple areas of production companies, I found it easy to delve into the secrets of private labels, which set completely different challenges before the seller than it happens in the case of branded products.

In my free time, I like to swim, cycle and ski in winter; however, I also willingly spend evenings with a good book.

Tomasz Olbromski

Tomasz Olbromski

Sales Director

Openness, professionalism and rapidity of decisions made: these are the things that attracted my attention the most when in 2021 I joined Velvet CARE. Earlier, I worked for 18 years in the area of analyses, acquisitions and sale, both on the distribution and production side. The combination of acquisition and sale experiences allows me to better understand and respond to the needs of our clients and consumers today.

On every day basis, together with the entire team of branded product sale, I am responsible for developing sale of the Velvet CARE assortment in Poland on the traditional and modern market.

I spend my free time among family and friends; I practice mountain cycling and discover the secrets of Asian cuisine.

Andrzej Ożóg

Andrzej Ożóg

Financial Controller / Authorised Signatory

I have 19 years of professional experience gained in a Big Four consulting company, a bank and the largest transport company in Poland, which we introduced onto the Warsaw Stock Exchange. I have always set my bar quite high – it was no different when I re-evaluated my objectives and decided to join Velvet CARE in 2016. Fortunately, my new colleagues happen to be equally ambitious! At Velvet CARE, I am responsible for accounting, finance and cost controlling, which in such a dynamic company means immense but also positive emotions and allows me to have a real impact on the way the company operates. Emotions of similar magnitude are provided to me by sport – kettlebell training, cycling and skiing. I relax when reading and listening to music. Recently, I have become fascinated with so-called “natural” medicine and its potential. I also love travelling.

Mariusz Rupik

Mariusz Rupik

Strategic Purchasing, Inventory and Production Planning Director

My professional life began in 1992, with my focus on production planning. Ten years later, I arrived in the paper mill in Klucze, and since then I have been able to develop and … take responsibility for my own decisions! When faced with a problem, I work out a series of possible solutions – that is why I am glad to work in an environment that is open to initiative. I feel a similar sense of freedom when I’m in the mountains, where I trek or cycle.

Monika Sypek

Monika Sypek

Marketing Director

I began working for Velvet CARE in 2014. With over 20 years of experience in marketing, I am always ready to make bold decisions. I also have a good degree of business maturity and the ability to flexibly respond to change. My team’s focus is the continued growth of the Velvet brand, and we achieve this by providing consumers with products which are valuable to them and essential in their daily lives.

I highly appreciate the fact that the dynamic pace with which our company develops allows me to keep track of the results of my work and take responsibility for all the decisions made. I love spending my “off-duty time” in the cinema, at the swimming pool or in front of the microphone – singing or performing as a voice-over artist.

Andrej Zimányi

Andrej Zimányi

President of the Management Board / CEO of Moracell

I have spent all my working life in the papermaking industry. I joined the Moracell team in 2004 as President. At that time, we were a distribution company employing only 20 people. I am incredibly proud that over the last 19 years we have transformed Moracell into a much bigger and more diverse manufacturing and distribution company. Today, we are the largest manufacturer of toilet paper and paper towels in the Czech Republic with five times the business scale.

My work in Moracell has shown me that long-term successful development of a company is attainable, just like any challenges which at first may seem impossible. All you have to do is have professionals by your side, just like my colleagues.
My favourite motto is “The sky is the limit”.

In my private life, I enjoy spending time with my family, playing tennis and skiing.

Tomáš Kadlec

Tomáš Kadlec

Finance and Human Resources Director at Moracell

My career path began after my graduation, when I took a post at AGROTEC in 2001. First, I was a customs agent, then an inspector, and in 2006 I took the position of Financial Director. I have been working for Moracell since 2017 as a Finance and Human Resources Director. From the start, my task was to assist the company and its president in developing the organisation, and currently I am also responsible for stable finances and human resources. The fact that we have become part of the Velvet CARE Group is a form of recognition of our achievements. As part of this strong group in the paper industry, I see further growth opportunities for the company, for the Moracell team and myself.

As there’s more to life than work, I do my best to divide my life into three pillars – work, family and interests, which include sport, especially football, ice hockey, tennis and skiing in the winter.