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Award for creative POS materials of Velvet brand.

Zdjęcie promocyjne nagrodzonej kartonowej sławojki Velvet w konkursie POS STARS na najlepsze display’e reklamowe.

We are pleased to share the news that the “Outhouse” display promoting our latest campaign – “Velvet in the toilet always in a duet!” – won the main prize in the cardboard displays category during the POS-Stars competition.

The campaign promotes a new double standard of hygiene consisting in the use of dry and moisturized Velvet toilet paper. The trade marketing department decided to take an unconventional approach to the promotion of our paper duo – the leitmotiv was the so-called slavoika (i.e. a wooden outhouse, often with a heart-shaped hole cut out in the door). As part of this unique campaign, full-size cardboard outhouses were built and placed in the largest retail chains in Poland. This motif was also used in other promotional materials, including: basket covers and pallet toppers. The idea and its implementation definitely stood out from the store display, which was appreciated by the competition jury.

For detailed visualizations of the project, please visit the website of the 3M agency with which we had the opportunity to cooperate on this project: 👉 LINK