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Open day at the factory in Klucze


Such an opportunity only comes once in a couple of years. To celebrate 5 years of existence of Velvet CARE and the start-up of a new paper machine (MP7), we invited our employees and their families to visit the Klucze paper mill together and to have fun in the entertainment area on Saturday 15 September 2018.

As a child, each of us was curious about the place of work of our parents. A factory, operating machines, moving vehicles were always an attraction in itself. This was also the case during the Open Day in our plant in Klucze. Guests were impressed by the super-modern paper machine, huge loaves of tissue or production lines that stretched through entire halls.

The interest in the event was immense. Over 600 people visited the paper mill, including 160 children. Visits were organised in groups and the most experienced paper mill employees acted as guides. They showed the premises and told the guests how tissue is produced from cellulose and later toilet paper and tissues.

After the “serious” part, guests could relax in the entertainment zone. Specially prepared tents were filled with numerous attractions for children and adults. They could check their goal scoring skills – both at a temporarily arranged football pitch and the popular table football. In the course of competitions, guests met “mummies” wrapped in toilet paper or came across buildings made of tissue. The morning was rainy, but the weather improved later, the sun started to shine and the time spent on barbecuing and conversations ran fast.

All the participants left the area with several presents – the ones that they received from the organisers, and the ones which made on their own during the workshops. Everybody said that they were already waiting for the next round birthday party and similar attractions.