We create the best product

The quality of our products fills us with pride. This is a consequence of our passion and innovation, which we make use of in our daily work. The philosophy of the “The Best Product”, however, is not limited to our products’ quality and functionality, as it is equally important for us to reduce our environmental impact related to production and transport.

Rolka papieru toaletowego z serii Velvet Rumianek i aloes na tle jasnej łazienki.

Our initiatives

Quality is our priority

The highest quality of products manufactured in conformity with the principles of sustainable development is our primary objective. In our production processes, we use raw materials from sources that are responsibly managed and controlled by internationally recognised forest management institutions. Our products have FSC® (C119667), PEFC (PEFC/32-31-086) certificates, while selected Veltie products have been issued with the EU Ecolabel certificate: PL/004/002.

We are proud of the numerous consumer and industry awards that our brands and products receive. Our ambition to create the best products based on environmentally-friendly processes and solutions is what keeps us aspiring. As a company, we comply with the latest standards, such as ISO, BRC, and IFS, both in terms of environmental aspects and ongoing process development.

Eco products

The products we launch on the market rely on eco-friendly technological solutions, packaging and raw materials.

Minimal plastic use

From the establishment of Velvet CARE in 2013 until the end of 2022, we have reduced the amount of plastic used in our production processes by 45%.

In addition, our foil packaging contains a 30% share of recycled material. In the coming years, we will take further steps to reduce the amount of plastic used in our products and production processes.

Eco information

We are aware that consumers may not always have full knowledge of the proecological actions our company is taking, but they are conscious of the fact that with their shopping choices they can have an impact on our environment. That is why we wish to emphasise our achievements to help them make sensible and environmentally-friendly choices.

We have developed a special infographic for our packaging, in addition to running educational activities on our websites and social media sites.
To find out more, visit us at savenature.info.